Trivia monacha

Trivia monacha

The European Cowrie ( Trivia monacha ), a type of the relationship of the cowries. The systematic position of the family Triviidae is not yet secured. The case of Trivia monacha, reminiscent at first sight for untrained eye to a shell.


The European Kauri has a semi- round, off-white to reddish or light brown case with three dark spots on the surface. The case is lined with a fine fluting, unlike other families of cowries, the cabinet surface is finished smooth or with sculptures and spines. The last whorl grows over and covers all older turns. The mouth of a centimeter high worm is long and narrow. The appearance of the type similar to the Arctic Kauri ( Trivia arctica) with a pure white housing.


The snail lives on hard floors in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to the North Sea.

Way of life

The European Kauri feeds on ascidians ( Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachi and Diplosoma listerianum ) that can be eaten with the rasp. Sea squirts the inside of the screw serves as a support for the egg capsules containing up to 800 eggs.
