Trivial school (Sweden and Finland)

As a trivial school a Latin school was designated in the late Middle Ages and the early modern era, who taught the trivium as opposed to the university at which the Quadrivium and all higher sciences were taught.

Since the 17th century the term was used specifically for schools that give only the elementary lessons, both for schools to higher Latin schools ( high schools ) prepared as well as for citizens or elementary schools. Here, " trivial " in a negative sense, simple or elementary. A Trivial student is a student who attends only a simple school.

In the latter sense, the Oeconomische Encyclopedia of JG Krünitz describes a trivial school as " school (trivial =), mixed land = and civil schools where boys and girls are taught together. There are only lower schools, where only the unit is = instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic, religion etc. etc. imparts; We ..., in the Prussian, you have so much as possible to separate the lowly schools, especially the cities, because of the morality, the boys and girls who sought in the country this is not quite possible because the Local is often limited. "

Examples of Trivial schools are home to countless other cities in Geseke, Siegburg, Sankt Andra (Carinthia ) and Hamm. In Schüttorf there was in the 16th century, a so-called trivial school, but this saw itself as an educational institution, which was preparing for university studies and not as a simple country school.


  • Type of school ( historically )