Trophic level

Trophieniveau, also called trophic level or trophic level (Greek τροφή ( trophic ) " diet ") is the identifier for a particular level (level) or stage of a linear food chain in the ecosystem. Regarding individual species, sometimes also referred to as food chain links.

In highly simplified and idealized model of a linear food chain distinguishes between the autotrophic primary producers, consumers and decomposers the. Consumers often include two or more trophic so that consumers first order ( primary consumers, herbivores ), 2nd order consumers (secondary consumers, carnivores ), 3rd order consumers (about parasites of predators ) can be distinguished and so on.

In addition to observational field methods, feeding experiments and classical morphological studies now allow isotope analytical methods much more detailed statements on Trophieniveau a group of organisms as suggested by the above classification into a small number of discrete levels.

Dynamic aspects in the interaction of trophic represent the trophic cascade
