
As a troubadour ( Occitan original word form) or Troubadour ( French ized word form ) refers to the poet, composer and singer of medieval courtly songs, especially written in Occitan Trobadordichtung in southern France. The time of the troubadours is primarily the 12th and 13th centuries, as the oldest representative shall Wilhelm IX. of Aquitaine.

Word history

Etymology of trobar

Occitan troubadour ( oblique ) trobaire with the minor form ( nominative ) and the female form is trobairitz derived from the root word TROB, trobar as in verb form. The latter means " find, invent, create a song, compose ," corresponds to influenced by Inventio - concept of ancient rhetoric considers that the poetic ( rhetorical, musical ) creative process primarily a purposeful "finding" suitable means of expression and themes as " places " ( loci, topoi ) in the works of predecessors and in these works is memorierenden memory.

The origin of the word trobar is not clear safely. In the Romance languages ​​it is widely believed since Gaston Paris ( 1909), a source of moderate unoccupied, but phonetic- sound laws of trobar and from Old French trouver serviced Latin word * tropare, the first ' compose, compose a musical trope " in musical jargon have means and its importance have gradually extended to " dense " and finally " find " generally. Whether contropare ( " Compare " ) or contropatio ( " Settlement"), which was approved by Leo Spitzer ( 1940) taught from occasional source documents of the 6th century, this theory can support is questionable. But the Gallo-Roman * TROPĀTOR is as a possible source of Occitan and Old French Trobaire trovere > F trouvère and * TROPATŌRE of Occitan troubadour and Old French troveor, troveeur (Or Piscator > AF Peschiere / O pescaire and PISCATŌRE > AF pescheeur, F pêcheur / occitan pescador " fishing " ) is considered.

Is represented Rare on Friedrich Diez (1861 ) going back and later further developed by Hugo Schuchardt thesis that Latin turbare ( churn ) a phonetically irregular, possibly by serviced trublare ( ferret ) influenced development to Gallo-Roman * TROPĀRE > O trobar / F trouver ( > have Italian trovare ) in the meaning ' find ' of taken and to get to this in a narrower sense for the musical- poetic ( re) find ( ' inventio ') in use.

From Arab schematic side, so first of Julián Ribera ( 1928), was developed specifically for this closer poetic- musical significance influence from Arabic Taraba ( طرب, sing by singing entertain ) is proposed, which recently again by María Rosa Menocal (1982 / 83) was represented engaged, has only reluctantly found in the Romance languages ​​but carefull, and ' find ' the emergence of the general meaning of the word, moreover, could not yet explain.

It is clearly shown from the only ancient texts that we have the fact that the Old French word trover much earlier documented as an Occitan word trobar. Trover is to find actually already in the Vie de saint Léger ' ( 10th century ). It actually means " discover, encounter ". It is again mentioned in the 11th century with a closer sense in Alexiuslied. It was only in the 12th century it means at Wace " compose something with verses ".

Troubadour, troubadour, Trouvère

In the Romance languages ​​, a distinction according to the original altokzitanischen and Old French names:

The Old French word trouvère came with the end of the Middle Ages into disuse and was replaced in French since the 16th century by the Lehnbildung troubadour who then Occitan and North French representative could call equally and also taken with this extended meaning in German since the 18th century been.

With the emergence of a scientific romance languages ​​the technical language meaning of the word was troubadour / troubadour bounded back to the Occitan representatives of Trobadordichtung, with especially in the German- Romance for several decades again to return to the original Occitan word form " troubadour " instead of " Troubadour " has prevailed, whereas in France, the Netherlands and in the English literature, the northern French spelling " troubadour " more prevalent.

The German minstrels are not normally referred to as " troubadours " unless kolloquial generally medieval hymn writers are meant without special regard to their language.

In transmitted and then usually dyed ironic meaning " Troubadour " is sometimes also used for modern cabaret singer or pop singer.

Known troubadours and Trobairitz

The following selection gives an overview of important troubadours and Trobairitz in approximate chronology.

  • William IX. Duke of Aquitaine (* 1071, † 1126 or 1127 ) - " first troubadour "
  • Jaufré pack ( * before 1113, † 1170 )
  • Marcabru ( * before 1127, † 1148 )
  • Cercamon ( * before 1135; † after 1145 )
  • Rigaut de Berbezilh (active around 1150 )
  • Peire d' Alvernha (active around 1170 )
  • Bernart Marti (active around 1170 )
  • Alfonso II of Aragon ( * 1157, † 1196)
  • Berenguer de Palou (active 12th century)
  • Giraut de Bornelh (active 1162-1199 )
  • Bernart de Ventadorn ( 1130-1140 *, † 1190-1200 )
  • Folquet de Marselha (* 1150, † 1231 )
  • Raimbaut d' Aurenga 1147 - 1173
  • Azalais de Porcairagues (active 2nd half 12th century)
  • Beatriz de Dia (active 2nd half 12th century)
  • Guillem de Berguedan or de Berguedà (active around 1180 )
  • Peire Vidal (active 2nd half 12th century)
  • Gavaudan (active late 12th century)
  • Raimbaut de Vaqueiras ( † after 1202)
  • Gaucelm Faidit ( * before 1185; † after 1202)
  • Arnaut Daniel (* 1150, † 1200 or 1210)
  • Bertran de Born ( * before 1140; † ~ 1215)
  • Castelloza (early 13th century)
  • Peire Cardenal (active 13th century)
  • Peire de Corbian (active 13th century)
  • Bertran d' Alamanon (active around 1250 )
  • Guillem de Montanhagol (active around 1250 )
  • Cerveri de Girona (active 2nd half 13th century)
  • Guiraut Riquier (active 2nd half 13th century)
  • Jehannot de Lescurel († 1304), also: Jehan de Lescurel