
Truco or truc is the name of a very popular card game in America. In Argentina, a national game, it is also known in parts of Brazil and slight variations in the rules in Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. The origin of the game lies in the Balearic Islands and the Valencian region.

Number of players, goal

Truco can be played with four players, but also with two or six players. The aim is to achieve the highest possible cards using the first minimum of 30 points.

The maps

Truco is played with 40 Spanish cards. There are the following cards:

The four colors for each card are:

  • Oros ( coins)
  • Copas ( cups )
  • Espadas ( Swords )
  • Bastos ( stick )

Order of the cards

Four cards are the highest in the game ( cartas bravas ):

The remaining cards are those downstream: 3, 2, 1 (rest), 12, 11, 10, 7 (rest), 6, 5, 4 An order under the colors do not exist.

The game


Each player is dealt three cards; they are played in order. At the end of this procedure is to determine who has won the current round. The winner, who has played the highest card in the majority of passages. If in the three passages a tie occurs, the former of the two passages is crucial where there was no tie. Ends of all three passes in a tie, thus gaining the mano (hand, start the game with the player to the right of the dealer ). The game type just described is called truco. If you play only in the manner just described, the winning party receives one point.

At any time in the game can incidentally a player who is just your turn to get out of the round; Then he says: Me voy al mazo ( I get out ). The other party will then automatically obtained.

Increase of the stake

An announcement, a party may challenge the stake, which is a point normally increase. The other party must respond to this announcement; she says:

  • Quiero ( I want): The announcement is accepted and raised the stakes.
  • No quiero ( I do not want ): The message is rejected, the game use is not increased (or not ). The current round is completed automatically, the other party won.

If the message has been accepted, it may by the Party which has accepted by one level be increased, which in turn must be confirmed or rejected by the other party.

The possible announcements to increase the stake are:

  • Truco: The bet is increased to 2.
  • Retruco: The bet is increased to 3.
  • Vale cuatro: The bet is increased to 4.


Envido is a phase of the game, which comes into play when one of the players in his card has two suited cards. It has nothing to do in their payroll with the rest of the game ( the insert is the following, therefore, referred to as " bet "). The player with two suited cards has the following options to the announcement:

  • Envido: The bet is increased by 2 points.
  • Real Envido: the bet increases by 3 points.
  • Falta Envido: The bet is increased by as many points as the profit of 30 points, which are necessary to win the game.

The other party may respond to the bet in the following way:

  • Quiero (I want ): The bet ( betting or possibly increase) is accepted, the bet increases accordingly, the betting is complete.
  • No quiero ( I do not want ) The current betting increase is not accepted, the bet is fixed at the previous state, the betting is complete. The other party will receive at the end of the round the stake, but at least a point.
  • Another bet, either at the same level or higher, and then the other side must respond again. The bet is running so long, until one of the parties or quiero no quiero said.

Who wins the bet at the end of the round, decides as to who has the highest pair of cards ( tied score wins the mano ).

To determine the particular score you count the two cards that make up the couple together. The cards have the following points:

  • The cards 10, 11 and 12 have 0 points.
  • All other cards have the value that is on the card (1 to 7).

At the point total of the two cards 20 points are added. Is absolutely no pair exists, then take the highest of the three cards ( no addition of 20 points ).

The mano must now announce their points, then the others will follow. These have the ability to keep their secret score if their score is less than the just trendy; this happens with the announcement of son buenas ( they, ie the cards are good).

After the end of the Envido Truco game continues.

The variety Flor comes into play when one player has three suited cards. This immediately gives him 3 points. If another player also has three suited cards, he may increase with contraflor use on 6 points, the values ​​are then added together as in Envido. In a round pile with no normal Envido is possible. There are numerous additional regional variants of this variety, but is often omitted entirely Flor.

At the end of the passage ( or immediately after achieving ) gets each of the parties credited to their points, separated by Truco, Envido and possibly pile.

Gestural signs

There are no restrictions on the communication during the game. To give the partner information about the cards that a player has in his hand, certain gestural signs are common, which vary from region to region.

False announcements

It is common to confuse by false announcements about the use of that counterparty. For example, the use of increasing truco will be replied with bueno quiero or vale instead of what the Spanish has a similar meaning. According to the rules, however, is only the original announcement permitted, so that the use does not increase deemed to be accepted in this case. Also it invalid if Truco and Envido be replaced by other, similar sounding words (about turco instead Truco or embudo instead Envido ) is.

In contrast, one of the official statements always applies, even if it is only mentioned as a comment to the game. So it makes a player announced the mistake of asking their partners with tienes envido whether this would achieve a good score in Envido, the Envido applies, the same applies to the increases of the stake. Therefore, among the players used in the communication synonyms for these words; the question of the Envido is about by tienes puntos ( "you have points ?") replaced.

The values ​​of Envidos or the pile may be announced incorrectly, in the hope that the other party does not make use of their right to have show revealed after the game the cards. If this false announcements discovered the points scored by the other party will be credited.
