TrÆ°ng Sisters

The Trung sisters, Trung Trac ( Hán tự :征 侧) and Trung Nhi (征 贰) resulted in the 1st century AD. in today in a revolt against Chinese rule Vietnam. Today they are in Vietnam as national heroines.

In the year 111 BC. had annexed under Emperor Wu to what is today northern Vietnam, Nam Việt, which was the land of the Lạc Việt (ordinary people of today's Vietnamese) than Prefecture Zhi, the Chinese Han Dynasty. As a result, there was a strong Sinisierungsdruck.

In the year 40 AD. the people rebelled under the leadership of the Trung sisters, who ruled from Mê - Linh ( the present-day Hanoi ) from. Emperor Guangwu sent his General Ma Yuan, who succeeded to the year 43, quell the revolt. It is said that the sisters were in the river has Giang (now Sông DJay ) drowned, to escape capture.
