Tub boat lift

A boat hoist house is a descent structure than older form of the boat lift. In channels that had to overcome differences in height in the landscape, Kahn lifting houses were used with hoists and trolleys to move from one to lift the boats to another level or lower to what was done with muscle power.

In Germany one can find the remains of two barge lifting houses: the Kahn lifting house Halsbrücke at the Freiberger Mulde (sometimes called Roth Further Kahn lifting house ) in the course of Chur Prinzer mine channel, built 1788/89, and the barge lifting house Großvoigtsberg (sometimes called Christian Bescherunger boat lift home ), also in the near Freiberg, which should overcome the height difference between a weir pond of the trough and the Christian Bescherunger mine channel (built in 1791). The architect was the Freiberg arts master and later machines Director Johann Friedrich Mende ( 1743-1798 ).

Both houses can visit the remains that have been lovingly restored work and preserved for posterity, even today.

The restoration of the house in neck bridge was still the communist era in 1988 by the Feierabend Brigade VEB (B ) Bergsicherung Schneeberg, while the house in Großvoigtsberg as part of a job creation scheme (ABM ) in the years 1998/99 through the Institute for the Promotion of environmental protection eV, NL Freiberg, was restored.

There was also a third barge lifting house planned, which should be at Kleinvoigtsberg, today a district of Großschirma, erected, but was never built.
