Tui (bird)

Tui ( Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae )

The Tui ( Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae ) is a species of bird in the honeyeater family.


It is a common bird in New Zealand, where it is endemic.


He has a dark, black -acting spring dress. In the sunlight shimmers but this partly greenish and bluish. The most striking feature is a white, protruding tuft of feathers on the neck.


The voice of the Tui is quite loud and powerful, melodic sound is often interrupted by varied click end and rattling noises. He is the bell of the South American birds ( Procnias ) confusingly similar to actually have a similar voice, but has much less resonance.


The Tui feeds mainly on nectar, but also of fruits and insects.


2005 Bird of the Year was elected to New Zealand for the first time. The Tui was here appointed the first bird of the year.

As a typical New Zealand bird, he is also the hallmark of a New Zealand beer brand ( Tui).

Origin of the name

The name Tui was taken from the original Maori language.
