
- 2.8991666666667 - 79.013888888889Koordinaten: 2 ° 53 ' 57 "S, 79 ° 0' 50 " W

Tumipampa (also: Tomebamba, Tumibamba ), was a town of the Canary, later a city of the Incas in today's Ecuadorian province of Azuay. On its ruins now stands the city of Cuenca.

The original name of the village from the invasion of the Incas was Guapondelig. There, the army of Kanaris by the army of the Inca ruler Tupaq Yupanki was around the year 1480 trounced, so that the area of Kanaris was the Inca Empire annexed. In place of the destroyed village Guapondelig, located on the road axis Qusqu - Kashamarka - Located Kitu, built by the Incas as a religious and cultural center of the city Tumipampa. The city was probably destroyed during the war of succession between Waskar and Atawallpa 1532.

1547 saw the first Spanish chroniclers the ruins of Tumipampa, and in 1557 founded the Spaniard Gil Ramirez Davalos on its ruins the city of Cuenca, named after the birthplace of the Viceroy of Peru Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza, Cuenca in Spain.

In 1925, Dr. Max Uhle discovered, a German archaeologist during construction work the foundations of the Inca city gate Pumapunku ( " Lion's Gate " ) and the Wiraqucha Temple. On the foundations of Pumapunku now houses a museum of the Ecuadorian Central Bank.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Wayna Qhapaq ( Huayna Capac ), eleventh Inca ruler
  • City of the Incas
  • Location in Ecuador
  • Archaeological sites in Ecuador
  • Cuenca ( Ecuador)