Turija River

Turija at Litschiny

The Turija (Ukrainian Турія, Russian Турья ( Turja ) ) is one of four major rivers in the Volyn oblast. It rises near the village Saturzi in Rajon Lokatschi near Volodymyr- Wolynskyj, flows through the city of Kovel and flows to the north of Volhynia in the Pripyat.

The Turija has a length of 184 km. Its catchment area covers an area of 2900 km ² and is trapezoidal. In the lowlands, the course is partly unclear, mainly on the right side of the river there are floodplains.

There are numerous backwater arms and adjacent lakes. Many waters in the region are frozen from December to March.

The Turija is navigable from the urban-type settlement Turijsk to the mouth.
