Turtle F2F

Turtle is a free P2P network project, which is being developed at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, inter alia, by Andrew Tanenbaum. Like other anonymous P2P software that allows users to share files and communicate to other way of leaving without fear of legal consequences or censorship must. Turtles claims of anonymity be confirmed by two research papers, which are available at the links.


Technically, Turtle a friend -to -friend ( F2F ) network, a special type of peer-to -peer network, in which all communication is routed so on only about " friends " whose " friends" and the goal.

The basic idea behind Turtle is a P2P overlay to build on pre-existing trust relationships between users Turtle. Each User acts as a node in the overlay, which is running an instance of the Turtle software. Unlike other P2P networks Turtle does not allow any node can establish connections and exchange data. Instead, each user opens safe and authentizierte channels with a limited number of nodes that can be controlled by users, they trust. In Turtle overlay move both requests and responses " hop-by - hop"; thus information will only be exchanged between them trusting users and always encrypted. This concept offers a Turtle network many useful and secure properties such as Limit damage in case of a compromised node or resistance to denial of service attacks.
