Tutu (Mesopotamian god)

Tutu is a very ancient Sumerian deity, who was worshiped in the 4th millennium BC by the Sumerians. In the Sumerian king list ruled before the Flood in Shuruppak the deified ruler of Ubar - Tutu for 18,600 years.

Tutu was the city god of Babylon associated city Borsippa. It was during the Babylonian story more and more identified with the city god of Babylon, Marduk, and finally went on in this. His temple in Borsippa was called Ezida. Instead of Tutu was Marduk's son Nabu new city god Borsippas. As the Code of Hammurabi was written, Tutu was God City Borsippas and was mentioned in the Codex.
