
58.65194423.756111Koordinaten: 58 ° 39 'N, 23 ° 45 ' E

Tuudi ( German Tuttomäggi ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Lihula ( Lihula vald ) in Lääne.

Population and location

The village has 180 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2011). It is located southwest of the city Lihula.

The village was named Tapuse in the Middle Ages. 1564, it is listed as Tappis. It received its current name from Good Tuudi.

In the south of Moor Tuudi ( Tuudi raba ) springs from the same river Tuudi ( Tuudi Jõgi ). It is a tributary of the Kasari.


The village was situated on the railway line, which led to the ferry port Virtsu on the Baltic Sea from the town of Rapla. The railway line was in operation from 1931 to 1968.

The former station building is still preserved. The two-storey Typenbau in the style of functionalism has expired and is for sale.

Best of Tuudi

The estate of Tuudi was founded in the 17th century. The first written sources by 1688. Many years it was owned by the noble German Baltic families Gersdorff and since 1789 Edler von Rennenkampff.

The two-storey main building with its two chimneys coat was probably built in the late 18th century. It is in the area now called Nurme. A predecessor of stone has already been demonstrated for the end of the 17th century. At the front and rear façade a central projection forms a third floor. It is crowned by a pediment. The outbuildings have been greatly transformed.

Last owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform was Konstantin Edler von Rennenkampff. During the Soviet occupation of Estonia in the manor house the administration of the local collective farm was located. It is now privately owned.
