Tyche (hypothetical planet)

Tyche is a hypothetical planet (gas giant) in our solar system to the Oort cloud. He was first mentioned in 1999 by the astronomer John Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The proof of the actual existence could be collected by the evaluation of the Wide -field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE Space Telescope ) data possible. It has now been announced that WISE has not determined the planet of Jupiter size within 26,000 AU distance from the Sun.

Origin of the name

Tyche ( translated from the Greek, it means " luck" ) was the Greek goddess of fate, the lucky (or evil ) coincidence and chance. The name was chosen to avoid confusion with an earlier hypothesis, in which the sun has a companion named Nemesis. Tyche was the name of the "good sister" of the goddess Nemesis. Was first named such an object in the Oort cloud by Davy Kirpatrick from the California Institute of Technology.


Speculation following the orbit is 500 times as far away as the distance from Neptune to the sun. This corresponds to about 15,000 AU ( 2.2 × 1012 km ), slightly less than 1/ 4 of a light year.


Speculation has after the hypothetical planet up to four times the mass of Jupiter and a relatively high temperature of about 200 K ( -73 ° C).
