
The Tympanalorgan is the sound of many insects sense organ that contains as receptors Scolopidien, sit on the inside of a dilute region of the cuticle, the eardrum ( tympanum ). One finds the organ, for example, in species of grasshoppers and crickets, cicadas, bugs and butterflies.

The tympanum is located on an extended trachea, is thus internally and externally bounded by air and vibrates when it is struck by sound waves. The oscillations in the Scolopidien call forth a thrill. Tympanalorgane are Schalldruckgradientenempfänger ( auditory perception). They are located at katydids and crickets in the tibiae of the front legs, with grasshoppers, cicadas and butterflies in chest or abdominal segment.


  • Gertrud Scherf: Dictionary biology. Tosca 2006, ISBN 978-3850030267