
As Buchstabensalat a jumble of characters with no or only hard to catch sense is colloquially known. It is produced for example by incorrect printer driver or keyboard tests. Even cryptographically encrypted texts appear in most cases as gibberish.

The viewing digital texts in the wrong character set table regularly leads to a special form of gibberish, which is called Mojibake or sign salad. In education, the term is applied jumble of letters as letters game while learning to read by the students have to find out from a Buchstabenmix the correct word.

In writings of dementia, there are " meaningless juxtaposition of letters ( alphabet soup ), meaningless jumble of letter groups ( syllable salad), meaningless structure of words (word salad) ."


In 1976 Graham Rawlinson in his doctoral thesis at the University of Nottingham found that the order of the letters within words - if one or more first and last letters were correctly - reading comprehension influenced limited. This was true for English texts in which words with one to three letters ( the non Rawlinson exchanges allowed ) occur more frequently than in German. It appears that shows the phenomenon in other languages. It is however important to know whether, for example, the case of compound words, these may be considered individually. In addition, the length and the Vertauschungsgrad are decisive whether a word can not be read. Little exchanged words are easier to read. The word Bcuhstbaenrehenifloge is still relatively easy to recognize, while Bbnsghhceeunftloiraee is barely legible. For this purpose, circulating the example below on the web.

" Gmäeß eneir Sutide Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't eneir mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt what is wcthiig that the estre and leztte Bstabchue at the ritihcegn Pstoiion snid. The rset can be a toatl mses sien, tedztorm cnan can sitll raed it onhe Pemoblre. This is bcuseae we nciht raed ervey lteter jeedn by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe. "

" According to a study by an English university, it does not matter in what order the letters in a word, the only thing that is important that the first and the last letter in the correct position. The rest can be a total nonsense, still you can read it without any problems. This is so because we do not read each letter individually, but the word as a whole. "
