Tyrsenian languages

The tyrsenischen languages ​​( Tyrsenisch, also Tyrrhenian ), named after the Tyrsenern, are one of Helmut Rix (1998) proposed language family consisting of the Etruscan language, the Rhaetian language and Lemnian language. Rix estimates for the age of the hypothetical Proto - Tyrsenisch about a period around 1000 BC This linguistic hypothesis sheds new light on the ancient Greek authors postulated by people of the " Pelasgians ", which the Etruscans and the ( Lemnian ) Tyrsener were attributed.

The connection to the Rhaetian is less safe to consider, because the existing inscriptions show no coherent texts.

Also an Aegean language family has been proposed, which includes the eteokretische and eteokyprische language. If these languages ​​were related, in fact, with the Etruscan and Rhaetic language, they represented a vorindogermanische language layer, which extended from the Aegean and Crete, Greece and the Apennine peninsula to the Alps. However, this is not a scientific consensus; the eteokretische and eteokyprische language were among others also associated with the Semitic languages.
