U.S. Army and CIA interrogation manuals

The Kubark Manual is the first of two formerly secret U.S. Army and CIA interrogation manuals of modern torture methods the CIA. The word Kubark is a CIA Kryptonym for the CIA headquarters.


The manual was compiled in 1953 by the CIA to own extensive experiments on American prisoners in Mannheim, on German and Soviet prisoners in Frankfurt and after joint investigations of American doctors and German former doctors of the concentration camp Dachau.

Widespread use was the manual except for the CIA and CIC also from friendly dictatorships in South America, for example, in Chile. His basic statements have been refined in Vietnam and used in torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.


Key methods involve mental torture to the destruction of the personality as humiliation, drugs ( mescaline ) and electric shocks and withstand torture or hypothermia after spraying with water.
