
User Agent Profile ( UAProf ) is defined by the WAP Forum in the framework of the WAP 2.0 specification ( and by the Open Mobile Alliance ( OMA) further developed ) a description of device capabilities, specifically for mobile phones.


Was triggered by the ever increasing number of supported formats and services of the mobile devices, making the "Accept" field has been getting bigger and bigger in the HTTP header. Thanks UAProf a mobile phone in the HTTP header only needs to enclose a URL, and an interested there server can request an XML file are described in all the capabilities of the device, or individual clients ( enabler ). Accept the field can thus be reduced to a minimum.


A detailed description can be found in Appendix A of the Specification (PDF, 310 kB) starting on page 53 just to get a rough overview Here is a rough description.

In a UAProf file is an XML file that is constructed using the CC / PP schema ( an extension of RDF vocabularies for describing capabilities of a user agent ). As with all XML, a UAProf file begins with the link to the schema that is used:

< rdf: RDF xmlns: rdf = " # " xmlns: prf = " # " xmlns: mms = " # " xmlns: pss6 = " #" > Later, resulting schemes such as MMS and PSS6 be appended.

Then follow the individual components: hardware platform, software platform, NetworkCharacteristics, BrowserUA, WapCharacteristics, PushCharacteristics, MmsCharacteristics, PssCommon, Streaming, ThreeGPFileFormat, PssMile, etc. The structure is always the same:

        < rdf: type rdf:resource="" / >                      Option1          Option2                  a      2.0      65536                      value1          value2          value3                example

(Nokia N73)

The HTTP header (excerpt):
