Ubbe Ragnarsson

Together with his brothers Ivar the Boneless and Halfdan was Ubba the leader of the "great army " of the Danes (called by the Anglo-Saxons, the Great Heathen Army ), with which the brothers 865 landed in England and 866-874 three of the four English kingdoms ( Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercia ) conquered.

In the year 875 the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great procured with Ubba a ceasefire, which was two years later broken by Ubbas brother Halfdan.

Ubba was 878 killed by West Saxon troops at the Battle of Cynuit in Devonshire. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is mentioned about this:

Geffrei Gaimar mentioned in his " Estorie of Engles ' (by approximately 1140 written ), the banner Ubbas:

Other brothers Ubbas were ( allegedly) Sigurd Orm -i - auga Ragnarsson, Bjørn Jernside Ragnarsson, Rath Barth Ragnarsson, Dunyat Ragnarsson, Agnar Ragnarsson, Regnald Ragnarsson, Eirik Vindhatt Ragnarsson and Fridleiv Ragnarsson, with only Ubba, Ivar and Halfdan mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle be and whose existence is thus reasonably assured.

Bernard Cornwell has to submit the story to the Ragnarsöhne Halfdan, Ubba and Ivar and the Danish trial, England, processed in his book series "The Saxon Stories".

