
An Uchi - Deshi (Japanese内 弟子, dt "internal students ") was the home of a student Budo master.

The Uchi - Deshi lived in the dojo of the Master. He was responsible for the organization of the training operation and helped with household and office work. For this he was given food, personal attention and experienced an intensive and detailed training instruction by the Master.

During the Soto Deshi learned the technical aspects of martial arts, the Uchi - Deshi was initiated into the "inner" things. Only when the master was convinced of the seriousness of a student, this could be for Ushi - deshi. In contrast to Soto Deshi he was outwardly barely visible, but to him the true nature of martial arts and the hidden elements of a form ( kata) by the Master were shown. He later became followers of the Master and continued on his way.
