
59.29833326.06Koordinaten: 59 ° 18 ' N, 26 ° 4' O

Udriku ( German Uddrich ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian Lääne- Viru.

Location and surroundings

Udriku was first mentioned in documents in 1241 in Liber Census Daniæ under the name Vrtic.

The place now belongs to the rural community Kadrina. It has 165 inhabitants (as of 2000).

For around Udriku heard a bog area with many lakes that are part of the nature reserve established in 1973 Ohepalu ( Ohepalu looduskaitseala ) are. The largest lake is the Ohepalu Suurjärv with an area of ​​67.3 hectares.

Manor Udriku

Udriku is best known for his historic estate ( Udriku mõis ). It was in 1621 separated from the Good Polli as a manor. Until the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform 1919 was owned by the German Baltic noble family of Rehbinder.

The current representative manor was built 1796-1803 on behalf of Gustav Diedrich of Rehbinder. The two-storey building was built in the style of classicism. The entrance is adorned with a massive portico with four Ionic columns supporting the pediment. At the entrance two cast-iron lions frame (now badly damaged ). Preserved are the vestibule with its main staircase, on the second floor of the music Along with elegant crown molding downstairs.

Until the 1990s, in the manor house, a nursing home was located. Several outbuildings are under monument protection.

It was also known, built in the first half of the 19th century distillery of Guts (1888 renovated, now a ruin ) on the banks of the park pond. The Classicist grave chapel of the family of Rehbinder in the forest park of the estate is no longer maintained.
