UFO religion

As Ufoglaube or UFO religion is referred to the new religious views of different degrees organized groups and their prophets that follow their own understanding in contact with extraterrestrials. The UFO phenomenon arose first since 1947 ( UFO sighting by Kenneth Arnold) greater attention. In the aftermath created various religious groups that have extraterrestrial beings integrated into their faith. Contents of the religious thought of these groups can be traced partly to the occult, theosophical and esoteric traditions of the 19th century. Often elements of the Christian religion, such as the figure of Jesus Christ in one's own world view to be integrated.

Of religious Ufoglauben of cross- scientific research branch of ufology is to be distinguished strictly.

Prevailing beliefs

The extraterrestrial beings are usually regarded as spiritually and morally far superior. Ernst Benz has demonstrated that this is a typical train of dealing with the possibility of extraterrestrial worlds in the preceding centuries (since the Copernican Revolution ). Spreads are also promises of salvation, which include the salvation of the believers on the last day by UFOs.

While in some belief systems emerges a strong millenaristischer train (eg Ashtar Command), other groups (eg, Scientology ) are not apocalyptic. Typical is a significant technology related, with both critical technology ( the technical progress of humanity was a threat to the earth ) and enthusiastic voices ( technological progress serves the benefit of mankind ) occur. Some movements have in it similarities to Melanesian cargo cults. Central is the most experimental, art and spirituality and science and religion be reconciled. Similar ideas are represented in the ( non-religious, para-scientific ) pre- astronautics.

Religious groups

The world's largest UFO religion is Raelism. Less common, for example, Aetherius Society, Ashtar Command, Unarius, Chen Tao, Eduard Albert Meier's group figu or have Uriellas Order Fiat Lux also Scientologists with Xenu elements of a Ufoglaubens in their teaching. In the headlines in 1997 Heaven's Gate came through a collective suicide.
