Uhlenbach (Werre)


The Uhlen Bach is a right tributary of the Werre at Herford in the northeast of the German Federal State of North Rhine -Westphalia. The lake is part of the river system in the Weser and drained a small part of the Ravens Berger hill country.


The nature reserve Uhlenbachtal in Black Moor protects the stream valley in an area of ​​44.5 ha since 1991. The area is surrounded by the dominated by intensive agriculture Ravens Berger country. Typical of the Ravens Berger country the expression is as widespread Sieksystem with box profile. The slope levels are up to 6 m high. The edge regions harboring natural beech forests. The wet grassland in Talgrünland is a wet fallow, here you can find, among others, cabbage thistle meadows and reeds on intensively farmed fish ponds and some natural ponds.
