Ultraist movement

The Ultraism ( from the Spanish ultraísmo ) is a literary movement, which in Spain with the declared intention was created in 1918 to counter the modernism that certain Spanish poetry since the late 19th century. It was founded during the discussions of the Madrid Café Colonial, headed by Rafael Cansinos Assen.

The ultraistischen core formed, among other, Guillermo de Torre, Juan Larrea, Gerardo Diego, Pedro Garfias, Ernesto López- Parra, Lucía Sánchez Saornil, Jacobo Sureda and Jorge Luis Borges, who lived in Madrid at the time.

In accordance with the Italian and Russian Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism of the French Ultraism pursued the goal of an aesthetic upheaval, but this is less comprehensive than that of surrealism, who intended the extension to all arts, and even everyday life.

  • Modern Art
  • Literature ( 20th century)