Union of Czech mathematicians and physicists

The Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků ( JČMF ), German Union of Czech Mathematicians and physicists, is a traditional Czech Learned Society for mathematicians and physicists, whose roots date back to the year 1862.


The Union was founded in 1862 as " Spolek per Volné přednášky z mathematiky a fysiky " ( Society for Free lectures in mathematics and physics), from 1901 office to be built in other cities of the country. From 1912, it bears the name today (with interruptions ).

In 1950, the Union had to give up their property, including the publisher and the library. They were transferred to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, the Union has been an affiliated society of scholars of the Academy.

Organizational structure

In the late 1960s, a total of four specialized sections outsourced (two academic and two educational ), who now work as societies and are named as follows:

  • Česká Fyzikální společnost CFS (Czech Physical Society ), formerly Fyzikální vědecká sekce FVS ( Physical science section )
  • Fyzikální pedagogická společnost FPS ( Physikalisch- educational society ), Fyzikální pedagogická sekce FPS ( Physical educational section )
  • Česká matematická společnost ČMS (Czech Mathematical Society ), formerly Matematická vědecká sekce MVS ( Mathematical scientific section )
  • Společnost učitelů matematiky SUMA ( Association of Mathematics Teachers ), formerly Matematická pedagogická sekce MPS ( Mathematical educational section )

The companies that are members of the Union still have some offices or representatives in Slovakia and work with the Slovak scientists closely.

The Union is ( in a roundabout way through CFS) Member of the European Physical Society and ( in a roundabout way via ČMS ) of the European Mathematical Society

Publications and Public Relations

The Union 's own magazine Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomy ( progress in mathematics, physics and astronomy ) out with articles on physics, mathematics and astronomy, as well as pedagogical issues in these areas. She also participates in the publication of other periodicals:

  • Matematika - fyzika - informatika ( math Fysik - computer science ) on the theory and practice of teaching these subjects
  • Učitel matematiky (mathematics teacher) of the methodological and didactic problems of mathematics
  • Školská fyzika ( high school physics ) for teaching physics
  • Československý časopis per fyziku ( Czechoslovak Journal of Physics) is the journal of CFS
  • Informace MVS ( MVS information ) is a Bulletin of the Česká matematická společnost (MVS )

The Union cooperates strongly with the scientific publishing Prometheus and published numerous professional publications. Among the events are known to the Mathematical and Physical Olympics and other competitions for the public and students as well as students.

The Union is a major publisher of textbooks in mathematics and physics in Czechoslovakia and now in the Czech Republic.
