Union of Polish Patriots

The Związek Patriotów Polskich ( ZPP, German Confederation of Polish Patriots in the USSR ) was a political organization founded in March 1943 by those living in the Soviet Union Polish communists. It formed the political background for the preparation of Polish military units in the USSR under General Zygmunt Berling and operation for massive propaganda among those living in the country, often evacuated, fled or deported compatriots. He participated in July 1944 on the establishment of the Krajowa Rada Narodowa ( National Home, KRN ) and the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (Polish Committee of National Liberation, PKWN ), the main guided by the Communists organizations in early postwar Poland. Until its dissolution in 1946, the ZPP then attended mainly to the care of people living in the Soviet Union, Poland, and the preparation of their return ( " repatriation " ) to Poland. Among the leading representatives of the organization who had the confidence of Stalin, included, in addition Berling especially Wanda Wasilewska and Aleksander Zawadzki.

  • Polish resistance 1939-1945
  • Communist Party