United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

The UN Decade of Biodiversity 2011-2020 is a program of the United Nations emphatic worldwide protection of biological diversity. The coordination of global activities of the Decade takes over the UN Secretary-General in consultation with the Member States of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). He receives support from the Secretariat of the CBD and other biodiversity-related UN conventions and relevant UN funds, programs and agencies.

The United Nations declared in a statement on all States to make a voluntary contribution to fund the activities of the Decade, and help in the implementation of the CBD objectives within their means.


With the decision, the UN wants to give greater importance is the ecological importance of biodiversity and its diverse social, economic, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values ​​. It should be pointed out also in their importance to sustainable development.

Under the impression of the world continue almost unabated progressive loss of biological diversity, the representatives of the CBD member states had decided in October 2010, new goals and a new strategy for the conservation of biological diversity. Through effective and urgent measures biodiversity to be saved by 2020 worldwide. These should be identified and mobilized up to the 11th CBD Conference of the Parties in 2012 in India substantially new world of human, financial and technical resources.

The CBD is the key international instrument for the conservation, sustainable use, and to ensure adequate access to and benefit sharing from the use of biological resources of the earth. The achievement of these three key objectives of the Convention is indispensable the UN 's view for sustainable development, for overcoming poverty and the maintenance and improvement of the living conditions of the people. Be it one of the main factors to achieve the internationally recognized global development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.



On 8 November 2011 the UN Decade of Biodiversity started for Germany with an official launch event in Berlin. The nonprofit Center for Environmental Communication at the German Federal Environmental Foundation has assumed the office of the UN Decade on behalf of the Federal Environment Ministry. A key element of the UN Decade of Biodiversity is the award of projects, working for biodiversity, by protecting them, examine or communicate.
