United Nations Security Council Resolution 1703

Resolution 1703 of the UN Security Council is a resolution on the situation in East Timor, which was adopted by the UN Security Council unanimously at its 5514th meeting, on 20 August 2006.

The Security Council appealed to its previous resolutions 1599, 1677 and year 1690.

With the resolution, the mandate of the United Nations Office in Timor- Leste ( UNOTIL ) was extended by five days until 25th August 2006. This step was done to give the Security Council more time to deliberate on the proposal of the UN Secretary General. Kofi Annan had a new mission for East Timor proposed consisting of military units, police and civil officials and initially for twelve months should be placed on extension with the prospect. The Secretary-General had made the proposals in his report of 8 August 2006 on the role of the UN in East Timor after the end of the mission. He had been invited by Resolution 1690 of the UN Security Council of 20 June 2006 on the copy of the report.

At the same time, the extension of the mandate had become necessary because the mandate would otherwise have expired on 20 August 2006. With Resolution 1704, the Security Council on August 25, then decided to replace the United Nations Office in Timor- Leste ( UNOTIL ) by United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor -Leste ( UNMIT ).
