United Nations Security Council Resolution 1733

Resolution 1733 of the UN Security Council is a resolution adopted on 22 December 2006 at its 5607th meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

With the resolution, the work of the UN Secretary General was appreciated. Kofi Annan has resigned after ten years of working in this capacity on 31 December 2006 from office.

The adoption of the resolution was contrary to usual practice not by show of hands, but without vote by unanimous applause.

In a statement in the context of the Security Council of the December President of the Panel said that Kofi Annan had led the United Nations in the new millennium. The decade of his tenure was marked by new challenges, but also by the introduction of reforms of the United Nations. Annan had earned recognition for his tireless efforts to maintain international peace and solve world disputes and conflict in an equitable and sustainable manner.

Kofi Annan thanked the Council for the recognition. As a highlight of his tenure, he accounted for the development of Situatione in Sierra Leone, which was an example of what the Security Council could be achieved if the members worked together. Annan pointed out that he had criticized the Security Council for its inability to act and tried in accordance with the Brahimi report, to give the information that was needed and not those who wanted to hear the Council.

Annan emphasized the importance of Resolution 1265 of the UN Security Council on the role of women in terms of peace and security, which fell into his tenure and called it for him painful, with the unresolved problems in the Middle East conflict, in Iraq and Darfur from the to separate office.
