United States Antarctic Program

The United States Antarctic Program Founded in 1959, or shortly USAP ( United States Antarctic known as the Research Program or USARP and United States Antarctic Service USAS or earlier) is an organization of the U.S. government and is present in Antarctica. It coordinates research and support for research in the region. The objectives of the organization are

" ... supports the extension of fundamental knowledge about the area, the promotion of research on global and regional issues of current scientific importance and use of the region as a base from which to research. "

The U.S. Antarctic Program, founded by Polar Program Office of the National Science Foundation, supports only research programs, which can only or best undertaken in Antarctica.

Currently maintains the USAP three year-round research stations in Antarctica ( McMurdo Station, Amundsen -Scott South Pole Station, and Palmer Station ), as well as numerous seasonal encampment. In addition, maintains the USAP research vessels operating on Antarctic waters.

Seat of authority is Arlington ( Virginia).
