United States Census Bureau

The federal agency United States Census Bureau, officially Bureau of the Census ( Census Bureau about short USCB ), located in Suitland, Maryland is part of the Ministry of Commerce of the United States. It was founded in 1903 and has about 12,000 employees today.

The Authority operates in accordance with Title 13, United States Code (USC ). The head of agency (English Director of the Census ) is proposed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. Current leader is John Thompson.

Its main tasks is to implement the usually every ten -yearly census ( United States Census - Population & Housing Census ) and of the annual American Community Survey. The population of the United States at least once to detect statistically every ten years. After the determined population, for example, the distribution of deputies directed the House of Representatives of the United States. Also compiles statistics on geography, population (eg age, income ) and the economy. It has twelve regional offices (regional offices ) that are temporarily increased for the one decennial censuses. The sole purpose of the counts and the statistics is to obtain general statistical information. Responses are either individually ( per inhabitant, companies) but are captured and created, published only consolidated, general statistics. Here, the Notice should be a top priority. It may be published by law no data that allow conclusions on individual persons, households or businesses.

The United States Census Bureau is divided into four regions (U.S. Census Bureau Regions):

  • North East Region ( north-east),
  • Midwest Region ( Midwest )
  • Southern Region ( Southern )
  • Western Region (West)

These in turn are divided into nine sub-areas.

The last census of the United States Census 2010, took place in 2010, the next is scheduled for 2020.
