The UNIVAC 490 Real Time System was built in 1961 by Sperry Rand. The Univac 490 was a system that functioned as a communication network. Hundreds of receiver and transmitter devices (terminals) were placed geographically dispersed. These communication devices now transmitted data to the central processor unit which carried out the calculations. This architecture has led to a geographically distributed transaction- based real time environment.

Properties of the UNIVAC 490 RTS

  • Internal Numeric Encoding: binary
  • Byte length of machine word: 30
  • Byte length instruction code: 30
  • Arithmetic System: Fixed point number
  • 37 543 crystal diodes
  • 13,819 transistors
  • Drum storage
  • Magnetic tapes UNISERVO III 130 in / sec
  • Console terminal