Universal science

In contrast to the individual sciences, the universal science has no limited subject area, but covers the whole of reality. As a universal science, especially the philosophy and theology is called, the latter is sometimes denied their scientific character. In contrast to the individual sciences, each looking at a restricted section of reality under a specially selected aspect, the material object of philosophy is unrestricted: you are asking for the absolute being.

Example, human

To illustrate the difference between single and universal science serves as an example of the man. While the medicine man from the point of ( formal object ) of being healthy, sociology considers him under the aspect of relating to other people and the biology him under the aspect of being alive, the philosophy of the people treated under the consideration of his being. So you answered the question and tries to answer the question of what man is essentially.


Because the philosophy of ' everything ' treated, it also addresses the basics of all (single ) sciences. Included in this critical- rational examination include the language, the knowledge or the thought itself philosophy thus becomes the object of her own reflection, is the " philosophy of philosophy."


  • " All other sciences are special sciences, because they are limited to a partial detail of the real u ( nd) only explore within this range (ie relatively ) recent reasons. Ph ( ilosophie ), however, is universal science because it comprises the totality of the real u (nd), therefore, the ultimate causes of all reality at all, or gets through to the very last reasons. "