University of Kinshasa

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The University of Kinshasa (French: Université de Kinshasa, UNIKIN ) is the most important university in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


It was founded in 1954 under Belgian colonial rule as Université Lovanium. In August 1971, the university under Mobutu with two other major universities, the Université Libre du Congo in Stanleyville (renamed Kisangani ) and the Université Nationale du Congo in Elizabethville was ( founded in 1956, in later renamed Lubumbashi ), the Université Nationale du Zaïre ( UNAZA ) combined. In the 1980s and 1990s, this centralized National University of Zaire was then divided again into three different universities, in turn, new name:

  • Université de Kinshasa ( UNIKIN )
  • Université de Kisangani ( UNIKIS )
  • Université de Lubumbashi ( UNILU )

In 2007, the University had 26,186 students and 1,530 employees.


University Hospital of UNIKIN, 2008
