Uppland Runic Inscription Fv1986 84

  • The text reads: ASMU -tr ... ris - * Runar eftir * × * stone * faþurs Fathur * sin * auk * Fathur * siba * ok geiRbiarnaR × × aok ... Ulf * eaR * merki * Mikit * at * you * koþan ×
  • Translated: " Asmund carved the runes in memory of Sten, his grandfather and father Sibbes and Gerbjörns and Ulf's Here ( is ) a great monument for a good man. . "

Your assignable younger colonization took place during the Nordic Iron Age. During the Vendel ( 550-800 AD) began the islanders to create four cemeteries. The second largest is in the northern part of the island. There, the remains of nearly 50 hills, three rectangular and two round stone circles and a Treudds can be seen. In 1984, on a rock while scraping the moss from the rock revealed the runic inscription.

There is a commemorative inscription for Asmunds grandfather Sten Sten also three sons are mentioned. From the inscription is not clear whether one of the three Asmunds father was. The inscription concludes with an additional individual, which emphasized the importance of the monument and the deceased is honored as a "good man ". Even if the Christian intercession missing, indicated the Cross in Runic snake that at least Stens descendants were Christians.

Runologisch is interesting that three different spellings for the word to be "ok " (Eng. "and") used: auk, ok and aok. The word grandfather ("Father Father" ) comes out on the rock of Bo Gård only in another Swedish runic inscription. As Sten's sons are not named as principal of the monument, one can assume that they had already died when Asmund it had made. Whether Sten and his sons fallen in the adjacent burial ground, can only be guessed.
