Uppsala-DLR Trojan Survey

Uppsala -DLR Trojan Survey ( UDTS ) is the name for a project on the study of the positions and motions of asteroids in the vicinity of Jupiter. The focus is on asteroids in the Lagrange points of Jupiter and those that are shielded by the planet from direct observation. This group of more than 2000 asteroids is referred to as Trojans and each of them bears the name of a Greek (L4 ) or Trojan (L5 ) heroes. The study was conducted at the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory in collaboration with the German Aerospace Center (DLR ) by astronomers Claes -Ingvar Lagerkvist, Gerhard Hahn, Stefano Mottola, Magnus Lundström and Uri Carsenty.

The Schmidt telescope of ESO was established in the fall of 1996 to investigate an area around the Lagrangian point L4 of Jupiter. The results were confirmed and supplemented by additional observations with the 0.6 m Bochum telescope at La Silla Observatory. The discovered during this investigation object P/1997 T3 caused considerable discussion, as it shows on the one hand, the appearance of an asteroid, but on the other hand, a comet -like tail. The vorherrschernde opinion is that this tail is made up of dust, because it has a consistent appearance and has the sun rather than away from it.


The Uppsala -DLR Trojan Survey can be easily confused with the Uppsala -DLR Asteroid Survey, however, has other objectives.
