Urban Enterprise Zone

As an enterprise zone ( freely translated: Corporate zone ) is called a product from the UK concept of regional economic development, which dates back to the British urban planner Peter Hall. In enterprise zones are demarcated urban areas, where a number of state restrictions are overridden. This can, among others, environmental law, construction law and employment law concern. Funding from the State seeks here in contrast to the classical industrial park not on direct measures ( eg subsidies ) on the part of the State but in an indirect promotion through a most far-reaching reduction of state regulation and control. Enterprise zones should thus provide an incentive for the settlement or setting up businesses in the target area.

In criticism of this approach, there are, among other reasons, because above all the rights of workers, for example in employment protection or the minimum wage, can be limited. The urban and regional economist Eberhard von Einem designated enterprise zones as " enclaves with labor and profit conditions of the Third World."
