
A URL template is a template for URLs that have a common basic structure. The template includes one or more parameters that have to be replaced by actual values ​​to obtain a specific URL.

The parameters are usually specified in braces, for example { id } for a parameter with the name " ID". When designing a URL parameter values ​​used must be URL encoded, as certain characters, such as spaces and question mark in a URL can not be used arbitrarily. Depending on the application, the URL encoding is necessary only for parameters in the query string. In October 2006, a draft RFC for URL template was submitted, the revised several times and now ( May 2013) was adopted as a consolidated version.


Consider the URL template http://www.example.org/ {type } /? Name = {name } type with the parameters and name. Based on the values ​​and type = user name = Dorte results in the URL http://www.example.org/user/?name=D % C3 % B6rte.
