
Urukagina ( reading the name controversial even Irikagina or Uruinimgina ) of Lagash was a Sumerian ruler of the third millennium BC. He was the last king of the First Dynasty or Urnansche dynasty, which can be traced back to 2550 BC. He ruled according to the median chronology about 2350 BC

Characteristic of his probably about seven year reign was the rivalry with Lugal - Zagesi ( Lugalzagisi ) of Umma. Historically significant were the reform laws of Urukagina: On " behest of Ningirsu " ( city-god of Lagash ) old customs were discarded and introduced a new order. First prerogative were made ( prerogatives of the ruler ) reversed towards the temples; the inhabitants were freed from a series of bondages and the abusive exploitation of the economically weak by the rank superiors was banned.

Social History noteworthy is the abolition of biandry ( marriage of a woman with two men ), a clear indication of the in Sumerian society once practiced polyandry, already covered by his contemporaries as offensive.

In a self-predication he refers to himself as the protector of widows and orphans.

In the foreground of the decrees but there are tax relief and debt settlement.

The end for Urukagina reign came when Lugalzagisi of Umma was destroying the city of Lagash and the temples devastated. This cult crime complained Urukagina in an inscription with the words:

Lagash should, however, after the end of Akkaderherrschaft with the Second Dynasty ( with Gudea of Lagash, ca 2144-2124 BC ) are experiencing a revival.
