User (telecommunications)

The term participants in a communication network refers to the users of the services ( engl. subscriber ), which can exchange information about endpoints of a communication network with other participants. The terms subscriber terminal, the terminal will appear at the connection-oriented systems often used interchangeably.

A subscriber

As an A-subscriber ( using call originator or calling party ) is called with a dial-up connection to those participants who initiated the connection. The selected participants are referred to as B-subscriber. When connecting via a public telephone network, the A - participant cost of the connection must wear a rule.


As a B-subscriber (English called party ) is called with a dial-up connection to those participants, who was selected by the A subscriber. The B-subscriber can either accept the connection request, and thus establish the connection or reject it.

Some services within a public switched telephone network ( for example, when a collect call ) exception, the B-subscriber has to pay the cost of the connection.


When terminal is defined as the place where a user A enters into contact with the communications network using a terminal. Here, both the signals for controlling the connection and the information exchanged between user passed to the network. At a terminal multiple devices can be turned on, which can be used by several persons simultaneously.

A phone number identifying a terminal ( in the ISDN, a terminal ) in a telephone network. About this number multiple devices and services can be accessible (eg phone, fax, modem). By means of a call to a plurality of subscriber occur (handset, speaker) in contact. Must be connected to a terminal not necessarily be achievable one participant. There are usually static mappings between terminal and telephone number as well as between number and person (s).

The type of connection the subscriber via the communication system determines the possible information exchange. In broadcast systems, such as the radio, many receiving subscriber will be connected (B). If a feedback channel is available, interactive services (eg, interactive television ) can be built - limited to consultation with the sending agent (A). Conference calls allow several users are connected together, so that everyone can talk simultaneously with everyone.
