
Usera is the name of the municipality of Madrid. It is administratively in the districts Orcasitas (121) Orcasur (122) San Fermín (123) Almendrales (124) Moscardó (125) Zofio (126) and Pradolongo (127 ) divided.

A small part of the territory of this district belonged before the incorporations between the late 40s and early 50s of the 20th century to the communities Carabanchel and Madrid. The largest part of the district comes from the territories that belonged to the municipality of Villa Verde, before it was incorporated on 31 July 1954 in Madrid.

The district was named after the neighborhood Usera, located in the north of the district. This district has its origin in some areas, which lie to the north of the municipality of Villa Verde and belonged to a wealthy farmer, who was popularly known as "Uncle Sordillo ". A daughter of this peasant closed his marriage to the Colonel Marcelo Usera. This military and businessman found that the development of these areas would be more profitable than their cultivation, which is why he went to it 1925-1930 to parzellisieren them and selling them. The Commissioner for sketching and routing of the roads was the administrator of Colonel Usera, so he decided to give the streets names of the members of the Usera family as well as the service staff and some residents.

Such roads include the Isabelita, Amparo and Gabriel Usera. Its main street is the Marcelo Usera, located between Plaza de Fernández Ladreda (the old Plaza Elíptica ) and the Glorieta de Cádiz.

It is bordered to the east and northeast to the district Carabanchel, on the northeast by the district Arganzuela and Río Manzanares, on the east by the district of Puente de Vallecas and on the south by the district of Villaverde.
