Uterine artery

The uterine artery ( " uterine artery ") is an artery of the abdominal cavity and the main feeding vessel of the uterus. During pregnancy or gestation leads to a significant increase in this blood vessel.

In women, the uterine artery arises mostly from the internal iliac artery and pulls in front of the ureter in the parametrium to the uterus. There they are a branch to supply the vagina from ( Ramus vaginalis ) and then pulls very tortuous upward to the uterus. Most recently, she gives off a branch to the fallopian tubes ( Ramus tubarius ) and ovarian ( Ramus ovaricus ) associated with the ovarian artery ( ovarian artery ) anastomoses.

In odd-toed ungulates ( mares) arises from the uterine artery from the external iliac artery in artiodactyls from the umbilical artery ( umbilical artery ) and predators of the arteria vaginalis. In these, the uterine artery anastomoses with the Gebärmutterast ( Ramus uterinus ) of the ovarian artery. For large animals ( mares, cows) can be the vessel in pregnancy during a rectal examination and palpate shows when touched a characteristic violent pulsation ( " Uterinschwirren "). This can be used in veterinary medicine to detect a pregnancy.

Pictures of Uterine artery
