Uterine malformation

Abnormalities of the uterus (womb ) abnormalities can be divided into the following categories:

The uterus unicornis is due to an aberration in a Müllerian duct. There may be a rudimentary horn. In the case of implantation in this horn, the probability for a disturbed pregnancy or a tubal pregnancy is very high. With the three-dimensional ultrasound can diagnose this anomaly very carefully.

The uterus didelphys is characterized by the lack of fusion of the two mullerian ducts. This results in the duplication of the corpus and cervix uteri. For women affected pregnancies are associated with an increased risk for position anomalies and prematurity.

When uterus bicornis only a partial fusion of the mullerian ducts takes place, it creates a common cervix with separate in varying degrees uterine horns. There are risks as high rates of early abortions, premature births and breech.

The septate uterus is an outwardly normal shaped uterus with a wide externally unloaded smooth fundus with medianem sagittal septum. On fundus is sometimes found a median raphe. The septate uterus is caused by a complete fusion of the mullerian ducts with incomplete absorption of the central septum, which leads to a varying length and shape of the septum. The septate uterus is the most common uterine malformation. By Length of the septum three forms are distinguished: subseptus uterus (septum extends into the uterine cavity ), septate uterus (septum extends to the cervix ) and a septate uterus completus (septum extends to the cervix into it ). The delimitation of the uterus arcuatus is not clearly defined. The uterus can arcuatus as the lowest expression of septate uterus are considered.
