
Utuḫengal was a Sumerian king of the Fifth Dynasty of Uruk.

Utuḫengal was in the period 2119 to 2112 BC (middle chronology ) king of Uruk. He left several inscriptions install, represent the sources for its time.

Utuḫengal came from the ruling family of Uruk. According to one of his inscriptions, which is preserved in written-off version, he defeated the Gutäerkönig Tirigan and two generals or governors named Ur - Ninazu and Nabi - Enlil in a battle north of the remains of Akkad. Utuḫengal laid claim to the title " king of the four quarters of the world ", but exercised no authority over the entire Sumerian room. It is known that he arbitrated a boundary dispute between the cities of Ur and Lagash. In Ur, he continued his general and brother Ur - Nammu as a governor. This became his successor. It is unclear whether the succession preceded disputes.
