
Uurainen [u ː rɑi̯nen ] (Swedish: Urais ) is a municipality in the landscape of Central Finland in the west of Finland.


To the municipality includes the villages of Haukimäenkylä, Höytiä, Jokihaara, Kangashäkki, Kirkonkylä, Kotaperä, Kummunkylä, Kuukkajärvi, Kyynämöinen, Nyrölä, Oikarisperä, Pirttiperä and Uurainen.


As in most rural areas of Finland is in Uurainen the Centre Party, the strongest political force. In the 2008 local elections, she received more than a third of the votes. In council, the highest decision-making body for local affairs, it provides nine out of 21 deputies. Four seats won, the Social Democrats, as well as the right-wing populist True Finns, who are thus disproportionately in Uurainen. Three mandates won the Christian Democrats, one conservative National Coalition Party.

Coat of arms

Description of coat of arms: " In the green coat of arms with -curved golden lace sechsspeichiges a green wheel".

Sons and daughters
