Uwe George

Uwe George ( born April 1, 1940 in Kiel ) is a German journalist, researcher and author.


In the 1960s, George explored in the Sahara, the special breeding behavior of desert birds and wrote about ornithological journals.

In 1967 he learned the Norddeutscher Rundfunk the craft of camera man and won the 1970 Adolf Grimme Award for a TV documentary on the Sahara. He produced subsequently for another 15 documentaries about exploring the desert and the ecology of the tropical rainforest, and published in 1976 his first book, In the deserts of the world ( Hoffmann und Campe ). 1978 were Richard and Clara Winston the U.S. National Book Award for translation of this book into English.

From 1976 on, he worked as a freelancer for the German magazine GEO, from 1979 as a permanent employee, scientific editor, photographer and expedition leader. He has published numerous books and won several gold medals for photography. In 1993 he received the Journalist Award of the Academy of Geosciences.

George 's since 1998 Honorary Member of the Frankfurt Geographical Society and was awarded in 2000 the Werner and Inge Grüter Prize for science communication.


  • In the deserts of the world, Hoffmann and Campe, 1976
  • The desert - push to the limits of life, Gruner and Jahr, Geo series, 5th edition, 2001
  • Expeditions to the primeval world, Geo series
  • Rainforest - foray into the tropical universe series Geo 1985
  • Islands in Time - Venezuela expeditions to the last white spots on earth, series Geo 1988
  • Birth of an ocean, Geo series, 1982

