
Lucius Iulius Aurelius Septimius Vabal ( l) athus Athenodorus († probably 273 ) was the son of the Roman Emperor Konsulars and deputy Septimius Odaenathus of Palmyra and his wife Zenobia Septimia.

As Odaenathus was 267/268 killed, Vaballathus inherited his father's title ( rex regum, corrector totius Orientis and probably dux Romanorum ) and the rule in part Palmyrene Empire, but was a minor, under the guardianship of his mother. Initially, Zenobia and her son to the emperor in Rome were loyal. Zenobia succeeded by clever use of the crisis in the Roman Empire, to extend the sphere of influence of Palmyra down to Egypt and Arabia. The two provinces were 270 occupied Vaballathus took in the same year the title of emperor on. The new emperor Aurelian tolerated this co-regency first since his military forces were bound by German incursions in the West and his supremacy as Augustus also remained formally intact. However, when it turned against Aurelian 272 Palmyra, Zenobia proceeded to open usurpation and let her son also proclaimed Augustus. Both were defeated and imprisoned; according to Zosimus Vaballathus died on the way to Rome.
