Vachellia seyal

Seyal ( Vachellia seyal )

The seyal ( Vachellia seyal ( Delile ) PJHHurter, Syn: .. Acacia seyal Delile, Acacia stenocarpa Hochst ex A.Rich, A. flava var seyal (Del. ) Roberty ) is a species of the genus Vachellia in the subfamily of the mimosa family ( Mimosoideae ) within the legume family ( Fabaceae ).


It is, among other mimosa plants the main supplier of gum arabic, a natural polysaccharide that drips when scoring the bark and solidifies.


Seyal is from Egypt to Kenya and west to Senegal common. In the Sahel, he is often in humid lowlands.


The seyal grows as a thorny tree, reaching heights of growth 6-10 meters. It has a greenish or reddish bark. At the base of 3 to 10 centimeters long, pinnate leaves is a pair of straight, light gray Nebenblatt thorns.

The intense yellow flowers in capitula -shaped inflorescences of about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. The legumes are 7 to 20 inches long.
