
59.5805555555526.2711111111Koordinaten: 59 ° 35 'N, 26 ° 16' O

Vainupea ( German Wainopäh ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Vihula ( Viol ) in Lääne -Viru county (West Wierland ). It has 22 inhabitants ( 2000). The town is located east of the National Park Lahemaa.

Location and History

In Vainupea (formerly Vainopea ) the flow Vainupea ( Vainupea Jõgi ) in the Gulf of Finland opens.

The village was first mentioned in 1583 as a fishing town. It was later a port of export for firewood. Until the Second World War, the merchandise trade played a significant role with Finland. In addition Vainupea became a popular seaside resort for German Balts since the end of the century.

Vainupea is now known by a marina and the historic Chapel of the place. The stone church with its tower was built on the Baltic Sea 1888-1893 instead of the dilapidated former building of wood and extensively restored in 1989.

On the small village cemetery of Vainupea next to the church on the beach some painters of the Estonian group of artists Pallas are buried. The best known of these is the marine and landscape painter Richard Sagrits ( 1910-1968 ).

To the territory of the municipality includes the island Vaindloo ( German and Swedish Steenskär ), the northernmost island of Estonia.
